警察の警視監/警視長用の制帽( 旧型 )です。警察官や消防官の
には太線1本( 6 mm )と細線1本( 3 mm )がつけられています。帽章には

The cap for the Police Superintendent Supervisor/Police Chief
Superintendent. The service cap for Police Officers and Fire Fighting Officers
have no embroideries on the peak and gold chin strap even if it's for High
Rank Officers. But it's given gold line on the race around cap frame so we
can know the cap is worn by which ranked Officer. This Cap for
Police Superintendent Supervisor/Polce Chief Superintendent has one
bold line( 6 mm ) and one thin line( 3 mm ). The cap badge has one Police
emblem then given cherry leaves, buds and blossoms around it. Normally the
Police Superintendent Supervisor and Chief Superintendent are the rank
for Chief of prefectural Police.


Above photo is enlarged one for cap badge and cap race around frame..

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